19 December 2019

This is the last RIMLS newsletter in its current form. From the new year onward, a single Radboudumc research newsletter will be send to this email list.
We are all experiencing an information overload in (research) news. Therefore, we have together with the Research Council decided to bundle all research information, including ‘Research Info’, ‘Funding News’, ‘RIHS and RIMLS newsletters’ and ‘Donders Weekly’, into a single weekly newsletter.
Initially, it will be a pilot from January to July 2020, and subsequently, we will evaluate whether this initiative will be continued to send the most important news and information items via a single newsletter.
In addition to this new newsletter and our research internet pages, research information can be found on the corresponding intranet pages. In the latter, you can also register for email alerts to customize your news overview.
You will receive the first bundled newsletter on 9 January 2020. Please send us your feedback as you do see fit. New subscription to the newsletter is not necessary.
But first, it is now time to reflect about yourself, your work, your friendships and all those things that really matter to you during the Christmas holidays. Within two more weeks a new decade will start. Again with lots of challenges and opportunities.  A big thank you to everyone within the RIMLS, for your performance in science and continuous support.
I do hope to meet you all during the RIMLS New Year’s Drinks and Award Ceremony on Tuesday 14 January 2020 to personally wish you all the best.
Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!
René Bindels
Scientific director RIMLS