15 November 2018

Give young researchers a voice by voting CNV Jongerenlijst next week. PhD-candidate Bryan van den Broek explains the significance of voting for the Radboudumc Works Council.

Radboudumc has grouped its research into three research institutes, each with their own mission. Which ranges from achieving greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms of disease, to research that advances our knowledge on how the nervous system and improving clinical practice and public health. As researchers, we work night and day on our projects in order to publish our paper in an esteemed journal and to achieve our impact on healthcare.

About the Works Council

Besides the fact that we are researchers, we are also Radboudumc employees. Although the research institutes can protect our interests, as employees we can also represent ourselves in the Works Council (in Dutch: Ondernemingsraad). The Works Council is a very powerful council because it advices the Board of Directors and can even stop a decision from the Board of Directors. The Works Council is there to protect the interests of all Radboudumc employees, including researchers, postdocs and PhD-candidates.

What can we do for researchers?

Most of us are here for two, three or four years and after that we leave to find a job elsewhere. But during our time here, we help shape the future of our research group, department and the hospital as a whole. Therefore, it is very useful to have a voice in the Works Council to be able to directly influence decisions and plans made by the Board of Directors.

Why vote?

In theory all employees should be represented in the Works Council, but in the current Works Council there is no one who represents research. Furthermore, the average age in the current Works Council is 50+, whereas over 30% of all Radboudumc employees is under the age 35. This is why we have started the election list ‘CNV Jongerenlijst’, which gives a voice to young employees. Being a PhD-candidate myself, I joined this list to put research on the agenda of the Works Council.

Election week

CNV Jongerenlijst wishes to specifically represent young and research-minded people in the Works Council. Next week, the elections for the new Works Council start. Hopefully I have convinced you to vote for us, because the Works Council should be there for all employees.