17 July 2018

Fifteen researchers from the Radboud University and Radboud university medical center have been awarded a Veni grant by NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. These grants of up to €250,000 provide highly promising young scientists with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years.

Nienke de Vries-Farrouh, theme Disorders of movement received a Veni grant for her project: "Bringing Parkinson care back home".

Nienke de Vries-Farrouh will study whether using a wearable sensor that automatically measures falls and physical activity offers relevant information about the functioning of patients with Parkinson’s disease. She also will investigate if patients and physiotherapists can use this teelmonitoring information to improve the quality of their medical decision making for  individual patients.

15 Veni grants for Radboud researchers: more information in this link.

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