4 December 2018

Since the introduction of the Participation Act in The Netherlands in 2015, the popularity of participation has been increased. Participation of target groups in research has also increased. This also applies to conducting research with people with intellectual disabilities, also known as ‘Inclusive research’. But how does inclusive research with people with intellectual disabilities work? During the symposium 'Inclusief onderzoek in 't eggie’, the reality of working in an inclusive research team will be shared. Also experiences and challenges in practice will be discussed.

The academic collaborative ‘Sterker op eigen benen’ invites you to this free symposium, which will be held on 14 January  from 09.45-13.30 hours. After the symposium, the PhD defense of Tessa Frankena will follow, researcher at 'Geneeskunde voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking’ of the Department of Primary and Community Care, and Medical Services Coordinator at Het Dorp, Siza. She will defend her thesis: ‘Optimizing inclusive health research: where expectations and realities meet. Meaningful collaboration with people with intellectual disabilities’. Promotor is Henny van Schrojenstein Lantman - De Valk, copromotors are Jenneken Naaldenberg, Mieke Cardol and Geraline Leusink. The defense will take place in the Aula of Radboud University (Comeniuslaan 2 in Nijmegen) at 14.30 hours. You are most welcome to attend. Registration for the thesis defense is not necessary.
Click here  for more information and registration (in Dutch).

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