9 October 2018
More information and registration: link.
Lately science has been compromised in more than one occasion by issues related to the integrity of researchers and research teams. This course is designed to discuss these matters with researchers in training for PhD. The 2-days course will be held five times in 2019.
Integrity as a professional competency
This course is designed to discuss the above mentioned matters with researchers in training for PhD. Goal is to develop integrity as a professional competency in relation with personality factors. The central concept of integrity, together with virtues like honesty, courage, reliability, prudence will be discussed in the context codes and rules of conduct. PhD candidates will learn to discuss matters of integrity critically by using those virtues and to determine their proportionality in daily practice. Actual problems will be brought in by the PhD candidates as 'cases' and actual matters from politics and media will be analyzed. Special attention will be given to the relations between scientists, promotores, PhD candidates and postdocs.The new dates for 2019 are:
- 8 February 2019 (1 March 2019 follow up)
- 5 April 2019 (26 April 2019 follow up)
- 17 May 2019 (7 June 2019 follow up)
- 11 October 2019 (25 October 2019 follow up)
- 8 November 2019 (22 November 2019 follow up)
More information and registration: link.