24 August 2018

Shuang-Yin Wang, received a Rubicon Grant from the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The Rubicon program gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience.

Shuang-Yin Wang, postdoc at the group of Henk Stunnenberg, theme Cancer development and immune defense, is traveling to the Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Immunology, Israel. 

Project: Eliminating tumours with immunotherapy.

Existing cancer (immuno)therapies are only effective in a subset of patients. This project will analyse the different malignant, stromal and immune cell populations within the tumour microenvironment using advanced single-cell techniques, with the aim of moving toward personalised/precision cancer medicine.

International research experience is for many scientists an important step in their career. Thanks to the Rubicon grant young researchers can do their research at top institutes across the world for a maximum of 24 months. The size of the grant depends on the destination chosen and the length of stay.


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