2018 is already 11 days old. But we have not forgotten 2017!
It was a wonderful year for the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences. It is impossible to list all the highlights. There are too many (they will be listed in the 2017 RU Research Report of course). And it is dangerous to mention only a few of them. But I cannot control myself. Sorry. We had wonderful personal grants for Sita Vermeulen, Geert Litjens, Loes van der Zanden, and Thijs Eijsvogels; awards of esteem for Teun Bousema, and Nico Verdonschot; royal decorations for Gerhard Zielhuis, Angela Maas and Dirk Ruiter. There were dozens of large research grants from the EU, NWO/ZonMW, KWF and other financers. Hundreds of scientific papers, some in high impact factor journals but many more with high impact! 88 PhD theses were successfully defended. 171 new Training and Supervision Plans were submitted. The PhD council organized a great retreat in Den Bosch. And we were able to show the community what we are doing during the Open Dag in October.
And 2018 started great as well. Some KWF grants were waiting on the doormat for the first researchers to enter the building after the Christmas holidays. But there will be much more of course. 2018 will be the year of the SEP (Standard Evaluation Protocol) evaluation. The international committee will visit us not before December but a lot of preparatory work has to be done prior to that. We will have our New Frontiers congress this year on November 1 (on Big data) and November 2 (on Network care). And we will start with “Publiekslezingen” and the organization of a course for new co-promotors. But the real work will be done by you. Let’s be successful again in Science for Care while having Care for Science. And even more important, let’s do it with fun. Have a great 2018.
Bart Kiemeney
Scientific director Radboud Institute for Health Sciences