15 January 2018

The Hersenstichting has awared a grant for transcranial neuromodulation in ataxia.

Bart van de Warrenburg and  colleague researchers of the Donders Institute, have received a grant from the Hersenstichting, within the ‘the sooner, the better’ program. This program aims to investigate therapeutic interventions that have the potential to rapidly enter clinical practice.
They will perform a randomized controlled trial of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in patients with SCA3, the most common cause of dominantly inherited cerebellar ataxia. Similar to most of the genetic ataxias, SCA3 is currently untreatable and the investigators will test whether tDCS can provide functionally relevant, symptomatic benefit.
Bart van de Warrenburg
Bart van de Warrenburg

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