25 January 2018

In PLoS ONE Noralie Geessink, René Melis and Radboudumc colleagues showed that differences in quality of life between older people with and without cancer could to a large extent be explained by differences in frailty levels.

The number of older cancer patients is rising. Especially in older people, treatment considerations should balance the impact of disease and treatment on quality of life (QOL) and survival. How a cancer diagnosis in older people interacts with concomitant frailty to impact on QOL is largely unknown. We aimed to determine the association between frailty and QOL among community-dwelling older people aged 65 years or above with and without a cancer diagnosis cross-sectionally and at 12 months follow-up. 
Data were derived from the TOPICS-MDS database. Frailty was quantified by a frailty index (FI). QOL was measured with the subjective Cantril's Self Anchoring Ladder (CSAL, range: 0-10) and the health-related EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D, range:-0.33-1.00) at baseline and after 12 months. To determine associations, linear mixed models were used. 
7493 older people (78.6±6.4 years, 58.4% female) were included. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis (n = 751) was associated with worse QOL both at baseline (CSAL:-0.25 (95%-CI:-0.36;-0.14), EQ-5D:-0.03 (95%-CI:-0.05;-0.02)) and at follow-up (CSAL:-0.13 (95%-CI:-0.24;-0.02), EQ-5D:-0.02 (95%-CI:-0.03;-0.00)). A ten percent increase in frailty was also associated with a decrease in QOL at baseline (CSAL:-0.35 (95%-CI:-0.38;-0.32), EQ-5D:-0.12 (95%-CI:-0.12;-0.11)) and follow-up (CSAL:-0.27 (95%-CI:-0.30;-0.24), EQ-5D:-0.07 (95%-CI:-0.07;-0.06)). When mutually adjusting for frailty and a cancer diagnosis, associations between a cancer diagnosis and QOL only remained significant for CSAL at baseline (-0.14 (95%-CI:-0.25;-0.03)), whereas associations between frailty and QOL remained significant for all QOL outcomes at baseline and follow-up. No statistical interactions between cancer and frailty in their combined impact on QOL were found. 
Cancer diagnosis and frailty were associated with worse health-related and self-perceived QOL both at baseline and at follow-up. Differences in QOL between older people with and without a cancer diagnosis were explained to a large extent by differences in frailty levels. This stresses the importance to take into account frailty in routine oncologic care.
Frailty and quality of life among older people with and without a cancer diagnosis: Findings from TOPICS-MDS. Geessink N, Schoon Y, van Goor H, Olde Rikkert M, Melis R; TOPICS-MDS consortium. PLoS One. 2017 Dec 15;12(12):e0189648

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