29 November 2018

Stan Gielen (president NWO) handed out the Dutch Data Prize (Nederlandse Data Prijs) to the BBMRI-Omics data collection. BBMRI-NL, the Biobanking and Biomolecular resources Research Infrastructure in the Netherlands, directed a program for the large scale collection of molecular (DNA, RNA, protein, metabolite) data from samples in Dutch biobanks.

The partners in BBMRI-omics, including Peter-Bram ’t Hoen (CMBI), theme Nanomedicine, made these data collections accessible to the scientific community and facilitated the discovery of new disease mechanisms.  

The jury report states: ‘BBMRI-omics is the result of a unique collaboration between a large number of researchers in Dutch research centres and a large number of Dutch biobanks. The resource provides a new dimension to the use of data in the medical sciences”.  Bas Heijmans, the researcher from LUMC’s Biomedical Data Science department coordinating the application, explains how the prize of € 5,000 will be spent: ‘BBMRI-omics was recently extensively revised and updated. We will use the money to organize trainings for young researchers so that they can get even more out of the dataset”.  

BBMRI-Omics includes data from the Genome-of-the-Netherlands and the Biobank-based Integrative -Omics Study. These studies facilitated the study of the impact of genetic variants on the epigenome, the RNA, and the ultimate clinical phenotypes. Tens of publications resulting from these studies demonstrated the opportunities for studying and prevention of disease. The collaborative projects also helped to build up expertise required for future big data projects and their underlying infrastructures.

More information on the BBMRI-Omics data resources: link.
More information on the Dutch Data Prize: link.

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