13 December 2018

Bart Kiemeney made it to this year’s list of highly cited researchers. Researchers in this list are selected for their exceptional research performance and are regarded to have had a major impact on fellow scientists.

The list was recently published by Clarivate Analytics, an American company that offers services in the area of scientific research (such as Web of Science). According to the creator of the list, the awarded researchers ‘have demonstrated significant influence through publication of multiple highly cited papers during the last decade’. They produced several publications in the years 2006-2016 that rank the top 1 % by citations.

Bart Kiemeney is classified in the new 'Cross-Field' category, meaning he has been cited in different fields. Clarivate Analytics wants to use this category to break down the “artificial walls of conventional disciplinary categories”.

The list of the 1 percent most cited scientists of the past ten years contains 14 researchers who are affiliated with Radboud University or Radboudumc. 

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