7 November 2017

Each year RIMLS awards several prizes to stimulate our young researchers. Please find here an overview of the upcoming awards.

  • Best scientific report by a M.Sc. student who produced in 2017 the best scientific report of their practical research project 2017 (300 Euro). More information*.
  • Best PhD thesis by the PhD candidate who delivered the best thesis of 2017 (500 Euro). More information*.
  • The RIMLS breakthrough paper of 2017. The best peer-reviewed publication which should relate to a major scientific “breakthrough" that advances scientific understanding (500 Euro). More information*.
  • RIMLS travel awards. Available for work-related travel in 2018 (e.g. conference, work placement) expenses (500-1000 Euro per award). More information.
All (j)PIs are invited to propose candidates for these awards* before 1 December 2017. A jury will be appointed to select the various awards. Importantly, awards will be distributed at the RIMLS New Years drink on 16 January 2018.

Applications for the travel awards can be send in by the applicant.

We are looking forward to this year’s nominations.

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