14 December 2017

Kees Kramers is the first Professor of Medication Safety to be appointed in Nijmegen. In the past there has been a long time close collaboration between physicians and pharmacists in Nijmegen. This collaboration is a prerequisite for medication safety.

Where and when were you born?

Dirksland (Goeree Overflakkee); January 6th, 1962.
Where do you live and with whom?
Groesbeek, with Professor Heijdra.
Who was your role model when you were a kid?
My teacher chemistry (who made apple wine with us and distilled undrinkable calvados out of it)
Why aren’t you doing the same thing now as your role model (or do you?)
I am a teacher!
What is the thing in your (work or other) history that you are most proud of?
The obligatory national Pharmacotherapy end test for student just before becoming physician.
What is it that you would like to achieve in work in the next 5 to 10 years?
A tool to reduce hyperpolypharmacy in frail elderly.
For what can we wake you up?
A severe (complex) intoxication.
What is your hobby and how good are you at it?
Cabaret, and I’m too modest to express in public how good I am.
What is your biggest irritation?
People who take themselves too serious.
Who would you like to invite for dinner, if you had the chance?
Bill Clinton.

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