10 May 2017

Barbara Franke, Professor of Molecular Psychiatry, has become elected member of the The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). Members of the KNAW, prominent scientists from all disciplines, are elected based on their scientific achievements.

Barbara Franke (1969) is an expert on genetics of diseases, such as ADHD, dyslexia and autism. For example, she investigated which part of ADHD and autism is and is not hereditary. Furthermore, she showed her team how ADHD in children differs from ADHD in adult on a molecular basis. Moreover, Franke developed fruit flies with ADHD to investigate the influence of genes on behaviour. Unlike in humans, the genes in these animals are easily turned on and off. Franke is a popular speaker in the media, patient organizations and the government.

The KNAW has over five hundred members, membership is lifelong. On Thursday June 8th, the new Academy members, in total 26 people, are installed.

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