News items Bram Tilburgs receives the ZonMw grant 'Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen, Complexe Interventies'

12 July 2022

Bram Tilburgs of the Intensive Care of the Radboud University Medical Center has received a research grant from ZonMw the program: “goed gebruik geneesmddelen, complexe interventies”. The study is called: PRevention of pAtient’s agItation and enhancement of their SafEty (PRAISE): improving intensive care treatment using a multicomponent pharmacological intervention.

Physical restraints are commonly applied in agitated patients to ensure their safety and prevent them from unplanned self-removal of medical devices. Physical restrains are increasingly seen as inhumane and outdated. However, in the Netherlands, approximately 20% of the ICU-patients are physically restrained. Applying physical restraints has detrimental short- and long-term consequences, including prolonged ICU stay and posttraumatic stress. An integrated approach combining goal directed light sedation with low-dose dexmedetomidine and non-pharmacological interventions seems a more suitable and patient friendly approach. However, studies determining the effects of such intervention to minimize physical restraints are lacking. In our stepped wedge cluster RCT we will determine the effectiveness of such a program in 6 Dutch ICUs on short- and long-term outcomes and costs effectiveness.

Bram Tilburgs, RN, Ph.D., is a post-doc researcher of the department of intensive care and has a background in intensive care nursing and psychology. His research focusses on improving patients centred care and nurses’ working conditions. With his research he hopes to contribute to an intensive care  environment where nurses are able to provide best care in accordance with patients’ and their family’s wishes and needs.

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