News items Benjamin Wendt wins the Anna Reynvaan Science Prize 2022

16 May 2022

On May 12, de Dag van de Verpleging, Benjamin Wendt won the Anna Reynvaan Science Prize 2022. This prize is awarded annually for the best scientific publication by a nurse from the previous year. Benjamin won the prize with his article on the application of infection prevention measures in district nursing.

Applying infection prevention measures is of great importance in preventing (healthcare) infections. It was previously unclear how infection prevention measures were applied in district nursing and what factors influenced this. Benjamin Wendt and his research group have mapped this out via field observations, group discussions with nurses and caregivers, and interviews with clients.

Hand Hygiene

The observations showed that the correct application of basic measures, such as hand hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment, varied widely and was often suboptimal. Mobile communication devices such as tablets and phones caused many work disruptions and were also poorly cleaned. Interviews with caregivers and clients showed that the correct application of infection prevention measures was hindered by the less predictable and uncontrolled work environment, the lack of organizational support, and fragmentation, variation and sometimes conflicting information regarding guidelines and protocols.

An innovative, well-designed study with a clear and relevant message," concluded the jury. The prize includes a painting and a cheque for five thousand euros.

More information

For a video about the study, click here (in Dutch).

At the end of 2021, the award-winning article appeared in the journal International Journal of Nursing Studiesinfection prevention practices in home-based nursing care: a qualitative observational study. Wendt, B., Huisman-de Waal, G., Bakker-Jacobs, A., Hautvast, J. L., & Huis, A.

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