Four researchers from Radboud University and Radboudumc receive a NWO Open Competion grant from the NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities. Each proposal could have a maximum budget of 750,000 euros. This instrument makes funding available for the best research proposals in the humanities and social sciences, without any thematic limitations. Forty one project proposals were eventually awarded funding.
The aim of the Open Competition is to facilitate excellent, non-programmed, curiosity-driven research that primarily addresses a social sciences or humanities research question and research problem. An overview of the grants awarded:
High-resolution brain scans for understanding cognitive enhancing brain pills
Roshan Cools, Professor of Cognitive neuropsychiatry & David Norris, Professor of MR Techniques in Brain Function
Our environment changes constantly. Brain dopamine is essential for flexible, goal-directed behaviour. Consider the cognitive enhancing effects of smart drugs that increase dopamine. How does dopamine alter brain function? New high-resolution MRI scans will unravel how common dopamine pills alter communication between brain areas to enhance cognition and behaviour.
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