Educational Management Team Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

The OMT consists of the program director, program coordinator, three RIMLS theme representatives and a student member. Theme representatives are also coordinators of either a core fundamental or a translational course of the respective theme.

Student member

The student member is elected by the fellow students and changes in December of each year.


The quality of the Master’s program is actively safeguarded and managed by the OMT. The OMT meets every 3 weeks to discuss current issues in the program and to decide on policies for the future.

Student evaluations

Initiatives for improvements of the program come from student evaluations (such as course evaluations, exit interviews or comments from the Program Committee or Board of Examiners) or are adjustments motivated by developments in the field (scientific as well as educational needs) that are observed by the OMT and the RIMLS management.


Prof.dr. RE Brock Voorzitter
Dr. WJAJ Hendriks Docentlid
Dr. BA van der Reijden Docentlid
Dr. ir. RP van Rij Docentlid
JM Schaart       Studentlid
Mw dr WLLP Pluk Secretaris
J Oudenampsen  Assessor

About education committees

Read more about the different committees that are involved in education at the following initial study programs.
  • Medicine (Geneeskunde)
  • Dentistry (Tandheelkunde)
  • Biomedical Sciences (Biomedische wetenschappen)
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Disease