Information for kids

Are you going to the hospital? Here you’ll find some informational videos in different languages.

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Amalia children's hospital

(024) 361 44 15
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Practical information

Radboudumc has several entrances with different addresses. Find out more about directions, parking and bicycle storage facilities.

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About Amalia children's hospital

The Amalia Children's Hospital is part of the Radboud university medical center. Every year, approximately 22,000 children between the ages of 0 and 18 are treated at Amalia Children's Hospital.

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About Amalia children's hospital

The Amalia Children's Hospital is part of the Radboud university medical center. Every year, approximately 22,000 children between the ages of 0 and 18 are treated at Amalia Children's Hospital. That is 18% of all patients of the Radboud university medical center .

The Amalia Children's Hospital connects the specialties of the Radboud university medical center that provide care to children. Children and parents are actively involved in the care process. This creates a safe environment where the uniqueness of the child always comes first.

How can you help your child?

This brochure explains how you can use positive words to help your child during a medical procedure:

Amalia kinderfonds

With your help, we can make the Amalia children's hospital more child-friendly by organizing activities to distract children during treatments or during long hospital stays. We welcome all donations, big or small!
