Agenda Research Integrity Round

11 September 2024

A misplaced joke, or a hurtful jibe? A thoughtless remark, or a denigrating sneer? Outright bullying, or subtle micro aggression? In today’s international academy, with its hierarchy and multiplicity of cultural and sexual sensitivities, the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable behavior is not always readily discernible.

Everyone at Radboudumc should be able to work and study in a safe environment. Consequently, it is important to treat one another with respect and provide opportunities for talent development. However, socially unsafe situations inadvertently occur.

To raise awareness on this topic and to stimulate  conversation within our community, we invited The Dutch Actors Society (”Het Acteursgenootschap”) with their theatre play “Scenes on social safety”. In four short scenes the theater production will illustrate different forms of more or less unacceptable behavior. Between the scenes, moderator Dr. Jos Kole will encourage a dialogue on the subject. We will exchange experiences and insights and discuss the question how we can foster a safe and positive academic working space for all.