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Each year the PhD Council organizes a retreat for all RIHS PhD candidates: the ideal opportunity to present and discuss your research plans and study results. Besides the exchange of (scientific) content via oral presentations, keynote lectures and workshops, there will be opportunities to connect and interact.
This year’s highlights are:
Do you tend to take feedback personally? Would you like to learn how to say ‘no’? Or would you learn how to manage your stress levels?
Ires Ghielen’s workshop on communication dynamics tackles these questions. Ires is a neuropsychologist and helps PhD candidates to work more efficiently and relaxed. Her workshop revolves around communication within the existing power dynamics, and how you can manage your stress level through all the publication pressure, heavy workload, high expectations and demands. You’ll discover why you don’t have to take criticism personally, how to communicate more effectively without conflict (while saying ‘no’ and setting boundaries), and how to feel more confident as a (young) researcher. As a result, you can become a resilient and relaxed researcher, that is also more productive and is going to finish their PhD on time!
Ever been asked for a peer review of an article? Or are you going through multiple rounds of peer review with your own study yourself, and wonder how you can smoothen this process? What do reviewers look for an how can you use this to improve your own study?
Prof. dr. Joost Drenth is head of the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology within the Radboudumc, and editor-in-chief of the United European Gastroenterology journal (UEGJ) since 2018. Since then, its impact factor has nearly doubled from 3.477 to a whopping 6.866. Prof. Drenth will tell you all about peer review in this workshop!
In line with our tradition we will close the day with a pubquiz. A professional quiz master will challenge you and your fellow PhD candidates with varied and challenging questions. In teams you will battle for the everlasting honor of winning the Retreat Pubquiz! Excitement and a lot of fun guaranteed!
By actively participating in the PhD retreat you can register these hours in your portfolio for Hora Finita. For instance, the PhD retreat is the perfect opportunity to present your own research! We provide you the possibility to submit an abstract of max. 250 words. You can either choose to present your (preliminary) study results or research design. During this PhD retreat, all presentations will have the form of a 4-minute short talk. You can also take part in the abstract committee in which you will review these abstracts with your peers, or chair one of the sessions. A great opportunity to improve your academic and soft skills! By following the registration you can automatically choose between (one or multiple of) these options. Read more about submitting an abstract, participating in the abstract committee or chairing a session via this link.
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