Research Radboudumc Technology Centers

The Radboudumc Technology Centers are an access point for technological expertise, high-end equipment and biobanks. We can support a wealth of research questions. The centers are linked to research facilities of both Radboudumc and Radboud University.

Interactive overview

See and download the interactive overview for quick access to the individual webpages of our technology centers.

see file

Who are we?

An introduction to our 19 Radboudumc Technology Centers (RTCs).


The expertise of several centers can be combined to offer you the best possible solution for your research questions. 

Our technology centers

3D Lab

This technology center focuses on how 3D technologies can improve care for each individual patient.

see page

Animal research facility

This technology center offers advice and support of animal research.

see page


This technology center aims to raise and solve biological questions using the most recent technologies.

see page


This technology center is able to provide specialist statisticiancs who keep up with fast-moving developments in relevant areas.

see page

Data stewardship

This technology center provides knowledge, services and solutions to fulfill all research ICT needs.

see page

Deep learning

This technology center provides expert guidance and services for big data analysis and deep learning.

see page

Flow cytometry

This technology center has extensive experience in flow cytometry that is used in both research and practice.

see page


This technology center offers state-of-the-art expertise in the forefront of sequencing technology developments.

see page

Health data

This technology center provides support in access to primary care data, with all related practical and scientific issues.

see page

Health economics

This technology center assesses economic viability of (newest) healthcare innovations.

see page

Human performance

This technology center performs in-vivo measurements of human performance.

see page

Image-guided treatments

This technology center has expertise in incorporating newly developed medical technology.

see page


This technology center provides cutting-edge technology and service for imaging-related (pre)clinical research questions.

see page

Mass spectrometry

This technology center offers high-level expertise in bioanalytical mass spectrometry.

see page


This technology center offers access to both standard and innovative advanced microscopy infrastructure and applications.

see page

Radboud Biobank

This technology center collects, stores and manages our bio-material and matching data.

see page

Stem cells

The Radboudumc Technology Center for Stem Cells provides a state-of-the-art service to reprogram somatic cells into iPSCs, characterise, differentiate and edit iPSCs.

see page

Translational neuroscience

This technology center enables researchers to explore the neural basis of cognition, emotion and behavior.

see page

News about our RTCs

Connected infrastructures

The Radboudumc Technology Centers are a proud member of the infrastructures listed below.


prof. dr. ir. Marcel Verbeek
Chair RTC Board

contact form

RTC Board

See all members of the RTC Board.

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