About us
We research cervical and ovarian cancer, pelvic floor disorders, maternal illnesses and male and female infertility. We study the application of preventative measures that could lead to less premature births and deaths, improve survival of gynecological cancer and decrease pelvic floor disorders.Our researchers Obstetrics and Gynecology
A list of researchers connected to this department.
read morePatient care
This department also offers patient care. read more (in Dutch)Getting there
Entrance: Radboudumc main entrance (hoofdingang)
Building: F
Floor: -1
Route: 859
Getting there
Visiting address
Radboudumc main entrance
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10
6525 GA Nijmegen

Go to Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10

Enter building at: Radboudumc main entrance (hoofdingang)

Go to Building F, Floor -1 and follow route 859